Road Boss Operator Instructions: English
Spend an extra five minutes setting the blade up properly with the tractor to achieve the best possible results.
- Place the tractor and blade on as level an area as possible.
- Check both nuts on the three point hitch attachment for tightness.
- Make sure the three point arms have the proper pin in place and the arms are locked in the secure position. No movement in the slots.
- Be sure and use the proper spacers with pins if the 3 point hitch category is different.
- Attach the “Road Boss” to the tractor as absolutely rigid as possible.
- Use locking collars to hold arms in the innermost position.
- As you stand behind the grader and tractor, the right side is your “lead” or cutting edge. Adjust the side arms of the three point hitch so that the left side will come up off the surface 2″ to 3″ before the right side raises when you lift the 3 point.
- For level grading work keep the unit level.
- Adjust the center arm of the point so that the grader operates in as near a level position as possible when the tractor is moving forward and the grader is being operated.
- The blade works best when material is covering both blades and flowing through in a uniform pattern. If material is building up too much in the machine, simply increase your ground speed. If material is lacking, reduce the ground speed so that the limited material is able to move across the blade.
On initial shipment the blade will extend below the skid shoes approximately ½” to ¾” when sitting on hard level surface. As the blade wears under normal usage and with proper adjustment the angle will remain about the same. When the wear reduces the blade to the point where it is less than ½” below the skid adjust the blade to compensate for blade wear by placing a ½” to ¾” spacer under the side panel. Loosen all four bolts on each angle and tap the angle down so that the blade contacts the surface it is sitting on.
When the wear reduces the blade to the point where there is no more adjustment in the slots, you can unbolt the blade from the transverse angle by removing the bolts from the original setting and re-installing in the lower set of holes provided in the angle supporting the blade. Most operators will switch the front and rear blade at this time.
To properly adjust the cutting edges after the blade has been lowered on the angle place the side pans on a ¾” spacer or board on a flat, level surface and loosen all 4 bolts on each angle. The attachment plate is slotted and will allow you to raise the blade angle to the position where the blade will touch the surface while the side pans are supported by the spacer or board you had placed under them.
Secure all bolts as tight as possible.
You should still have approximately ¾” of slot adjustment available in the attachment plate which can be utilized as the blade wears down again. All you will have to do is loosen the bolts and lower the blade to the desired point and re-tighten the bolts.
This process can be utilized to set the blade to the desired cut depth at any time, but as the operator becomes more experienced and comfortable with the machine they will probably prefer to utilize the 3 point hitch control in specific situations.
If material is very trashy or in wet conditions that cause excessive build up of material, the front blade should be removed and only the rear blade used for the initial “pass”. This is also the recommended set up for the initial cut on a road where the weeds and grass or sod have grown up in the middle or in from the sides. It is also very effective if there is an “excessive” wind row on one edge left from the last pass by a road grader.
To accomplish this simple maneuver simply park in a spot where the front angle with the blade attached can be left out of the way for a short period of time.
- Put the machine down on the ground.
- Remove the 2 bolts on each side of the transverse angle.
- Use a pinch bar or lever to hitch the right side forward and the left side backward about 6″ to 12″.
- Pick up the unit, leaving the front blade laying on the ground and drive off.
- Do the area desired.
- To re-install, just back over the blade.
- Sit the unit down over it.
- Hitch the angle back into line and using a punch, relocate the 2 bolts on each side.
- Adjust the depth and tighten securely.
- No need to lift anything.
- If material is extremely hard and dry you will have to make more than one pass. Simply go over the initial pass a second time on the first round and then lap over about ½ on the following rounds. You will create enough material on the second cut to do a very good job.
Remember that the skid shoes are reversible and interchangeable so if you are showing excessive wear on the front carbide patches, you can reverse or change from side to side then build them back up when it is convenient.
If there are any questions about the operation or set up of the machine call your dealer or 1-800-736-5309 and someone will be able to assist you or answer any questions you may have.